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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Want a lightsaber?

From the Department of Easy Enough To Predict: LucasArts has announced that the "next-generation action adventure" of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed will be coming to the Wii, as well as the PS3 and Xbox 360 (and Nintendo DS and PSP and PS2).

Difference is with the Wii version that yes, next year when it's released, you'll be able to wave the Wiimote around and get that authentic yeum-yeum noise of a lightsaber. (Light saber? Sabre?) The nunchuk, meanwhile, will let you enact your character's force powers. In the case of Yoda, this would presumably mean spinning high in the air and sentences backwards speaking in.

Apparently the game will be set in the period between Star Wars III and IV (so, after the creation of Darth Vader - when the whole galaxy has for years sort-of ruled by Jedi masters using Da Force - but before the period when Han Solo, certainly 20 years older than Luke Skywalker, can say he's flown the length and breadth of the galaxy and never heard people talk about a "Force". That make any sense to you?) and you will play Darth Vader's "apprentice".


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