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Monday, July 23, 2007

People Searching Magnetic-Diet

This is real. People all across US are searching for Magnetic Diet. I Searched too and this is what i found. Magnetic Diet is just another Paid diet program. The "official site" say:

The magnetic diet is more than a weight loss diet. It’s a complete weight and health management system. Not only will you be able to lose weight but you will be able to stay at any weight you choose once you get there. For those who want or need to you can even use the magnetic diet to gain weight. Beyond weight control you will also learn:

1. How to control your cravings. Uncontrolled cravings are the number one reason why people fail at their diets. In the magnetic diet you will learn the most powerful technique to control cravings ever developed. You will be able to use this technique to combat any type of craving including food, tobacco, and other addictions as well.

2. How to exercise to burn fat. Most people waste their time and put themselves at risk of injury performing exercises that only burn sugar and not fat. Your muscles will only burn glycogen (stored sugar) unless you create the correct condition for them to burn fat for energy. In the magnetic diet you will learn how you can create this condition every single day.

3. How to create a lean self image. In life, what’s on the outside is merely a reflection of what is on the inside. If you see yourself as overweight and unhealthy you do the things to create that condition in your life. If you see yourself as lean and healthy you will automatically do the things to create that condition in your life. In the magnetic diet you will learn the techniques that will allow you to reprogram your mind and create a new self image, which will help to create, from the inside out, the changes that you want to see in your body.

4. You’ll learn how to lose weight without losing muscle. Every fad diet on the web and in the media that promises fast weight loss causes you to lose muscle. You’ll learn why losing muscle ruins your metabolism and is the number one reason people end up getting fatter than they were when they started.

My opinion: Worthless, Nothing New. What is your opinion?

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Blogger Enneagram Zoom said...

Reading the material one can see that it's a very balanced diet where the premise is consistent and maintainable weight loss based on a calorie deficit achieved through a combination of diet and exercise. The author uses the metaphor of magnetism to explain that the foods you eat attract either health or disease based on the compounds and components within the food. In addition to nutrition the author also covers meditation, visualization, energization exercises (strength conditioning using isometrics), and craving control through special breathing exercises. The author makes the case that low calorie diets are problematic in that they cause most people to lose a large amount of muscle mass which then ruins their metabolism causing them to gain weight back once they have returned to their normal eating habits. He also makes the case against low carb diets by explaining that they are very hard to stay on, however he leverages low carb science in the program by advocating mostly protein meals in the evenings as well as aerobic exercise in the mornings to create the condition where the body burns fat for fuel due to glycogen depletion.


July 25, 2007 at 1:03 PM


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